Saturday, January 07, 2006
利用Rasch分析進行NBA各球隊間的排名及檢測有無主場的優勢(如右表). nba官方只用勝場數為排名的依據,Rasch分析利用各球隊(當作試題)而有難易之分,進而就各球隊相互對難易球隊的獲勝情形來排名, 每週預測,看誰的比較準.--以進入季後賽的實際戰績,即知何者較準, 也因而對各球隊間的勝率比也有一個機率分配情形...誰說Rasch只用在考試(醫院內常用的存活率分析,也可以試試)..
Dear Chien:
Thank you for your analysis and careful work. It looks exciting!How can I identify in your data file which is the home team and which is on the road in each paired comparison?
Also, what is the 0-7 rating scale?
Cordially,Mike L.